SAGE Journal Articles

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Journal Article #1: Turner, J. R., Hemmens, C., & Matz, A. K. (2016). Is it reasonable? A legal review of warrantless searches of probationers and parolees. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 27(7), 684-701. doi:10.1177/0887403414554996

Abstract: Probationers and parolees have a reduced expectation of privacy. In most states, they are subject to searches by their supervising probation or parole officer without prior notice or cause. However, for law enforcement officers, their ability to search a probationer or parolee can be constrained by the need to articulate probable cause or a reasonable suspicion. This legal review examines federal and state laws, providing guidance on when law enforcement officers can search probationers/parolees, and whether it requires probable cause, a reasonable suspicion, or the presence of the supervising probation/parole officer. Results of the legal review should prove especially informative for agencies engaged in multiagency partnerships.


Journal Article #2: Hickman, M. J., & Poore, J. E. (2016). National data on citizen complaints about police use of force: Data quality concerns and the potential (mis)use of statistical evidence to address police agency conduct. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 27(5), 455-479. doi:10.1177/0887403415594843

Abstract: National data on citizen complaints about police use of force were collected by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) in 2003 and 2007. These data are a critical component of the Department of Justice’s overall response to 42 USC 14142, which requires the Attorney General to “acquire data about the use of excessive force by law enforcement officers.” The BJS data have the potential to help support democratic policing, provide baseline data on use of force for comparative statistical reporting and research purposes, and enable strong local checks on police abuses, provided their validity and reliability can be demonstrated. This study sought to assess the validity and reliability of the BJS data. Findings indicate that the BJS data suffer from serious measurement flaws, do not provide a valid and reliable basis for comparative statistical reporting and research purposes, and should not be relied on for purposes of litigation.