Video and Multimedia

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.

5.1 Demonstrate the impact social networks can have on the lives of individuals.

Video Link: Social Media changes Your Mind

Audio Link: Human Spectacle

Web Resource: Social Media’s Impact on Society

5.2 Provide examples of how verbal and nonverbal interaction guides our behavior.

Video Link: Verbal versus Non-verbal Communication

Audio Link: The Radio Drama Episode

Web Resource: Verbal vs. Non-verbal Communication

5.3 Describe the needs primary and secondary groups meet for members of society and the overall society.

Video Link: Social Groups    

Audio Link: Got Your Back

Web Resource: Types of Social Groups

5.4 Show how the characteristics of bureaucracy apply to formal organizations.

Video Link: Characteristics of an ideal bureaucracy

Audio Link: Tarred and Feathered

Web Resource: Bureaucratic Form

5.5 Explain why networking with people from different cultures has become increasingly important.

Video Link: Cross Cultural Communication

Audio Link: No Place like Home

Web Resource: Collaborating across Cultures