Video and Multimedia

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.

2.1 Outline the development of sociology.

Video Link: History of Sociology

Audio Link: Burroughs 101

Web Resource: Development of Sociology

2.2 Describe the key points of sociology’s major theoretical perspectives.

Video Link: 3 Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology

Audio Link: The Annoying Gap between Theory . . . and Practice

Web Resource: Three Major Perspectives in Sociology

2.3 Explain the core ideas underlying the scientific approach to understanding society.

Video Link: The Wisdom of Sociology

Audio Link: Need to Know Basis

Web Resource: Understanding Sociology – Debates about field experiments in the social sciences

2.4 List the basic steps of the scientific research process.

Video Link: The Scientific Method – Steps, Terms, and Examples

Audio Link: Batman

Web Resource: The Nature of Science and the Scientific Method