Video and Multimedia

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.


Introducing Your Speech
“4 Keys to a Killer Speech Introduction”
The speaker explains how to succeed with an introduction.

Establish Topic Credibility
“How to Write a Speech:  Credibility in a Speech”
The speaker gives some tips on establishing credibility which is important for gaining the audience’s trust and attention. 

Get Your Audience’s Attention:  Use Humor
“Don’t Start Your Speech By Telling a Joke”
This speaker tells how to begin a speech with humor without telling a joke. 


Build Your Credibility
“How to Build Credibility”
Establish credibility with tips on how to gain the audience’s trust and attention.

Get Your Audience’s Attention
“How to Start a Presentation & Get The Audience’s Attention”
The speaker explains how to start a presentation and get the audience’s attention and curiosity to make a great impression and engage the audience.

Involve the Audience
“Keeping Your Audience Engaged”
The speaker representing Toastmasters International explains how to keep the audience interested and engaged.

Web Resources

Introducing Your Speech
“How to Start a Speech-12 Foolproof Ways to Grab Your Audience”
The site lists a variety of ways to begin your speech successfully.

Use Humor
The Art of Using Humor in Public Speaking”
This text includes 8 small pieces detailing how to incorporate humor in speeches.

Avoid These Common Introductory Bloopers
“What Common Mistakes Should You Avoid When Starting Your Speech?”
This site features 10 tips explaining how NOT to start a speech and what to do instead.