SAGE Journal Articles

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Journal Article 1: Denzin, N. (2014). Reading the Challenges of a Global Community and the Sociological Imagination. Qualitative Inquiry. 20 (9): 1122–1127. DOI: 10.1177/1077800414542934

Abstract: This brief article helps students contextualize the theory of the sociological imagination in relation to other prominent theories in international settings of sociological research. Denzin contextualizes Mill’s work within prevailing theories and models of Sociology canon and new qualitative research being conducted in the United States and abroad. He aims to help students understand the place of Sociological Imagination as in a larger theoretical conversation within the theories and perspectives of the discipline.

Journal Article 2: Quartaroli, T. A. (2014, June 23). Sociology at work. Journal of Applied Social Science, 8(2), 79–84. doi:10.1177/1936724414539793

Abstract: Often times, there is a disconnect between what sociology students learn and school and the real world that awaits them when they graduate. This article calls for members to join the Applied and Clinical Sociology organization to help mentor a new generation into the practice of applied sociology.