Welcome to the SAGE edge site for Understanding Business Ethics, Fourth Edition!

Understanding Business Ethics, Fourth Edition offers an impactful exploration into the realm of ethics in the global business environment. Authors Peter A. Stanwick and Sarah D. Stanwick integrate four key dimensions to differentiate their work from other ethics textbooks: a global perspective, real-world business cases, comprehensive ethics topics, and a consistent theme linking each chapter.

Whether it's uncovering the intricate relations between businesses and their stakeholders, discussing the effects of financial reporting, or exploring the ethical implications of information technology, marketing, human resources, and the natural environment, this textbook equips readers with a robust ethical framework for the business world. Additionally, the timely case studies from diverse industries demonstrate the very real consequences of ethical and unethical decisions.

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We gratefully acknowledge Peter A. Stanwick and Sarah D. Stanwick for writing an excellent text and creating the materials on this site.