Video and Multimedia

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.

Web Link: State Politics & Policy Quarterly
Data archive Web site of State Politics & Policy Quarterly, an academic research journal devoted to the study of state-level questions.

Web Link: Sage Stats
A comprehensive and searchable database of state-level information (requires subscription).

Web Link: United States Census Bureau
U.S. Bureau of the Census Web site that lists state rankings on population, per capita income, employment, poverty, and other social and economic indexes.

Web Link: The Council of State Governments
Web site of the Council of State Governments (CSG), an organization that represents elected and appointed officials in all three branches of state government. Publishes on a wide variety of topics and issues relevant to state politics and policy.

Web Link: Klarnerpolitics
This site contains a wide variety of data sets on the states that have been collected and made publically available by political scientist Carl Klarner.

Video Link: How State Budgets are Breaking US schools
How State Budgets are Breaking U.S. Schools. America's school systems are funded by the 50 states. In this fiery talk, Bill Gates says that state budgets are riddled with accounting tricks that disguise the true cost of health care and pensions and weighted with worsening deficits — with the financing of education at the losing end.

Video Link: Women Political Candidates
Susannah Shakow talked about why women should run for political office, and how she encourages them to do so. Professor Fox talked about his research into why more women do not run for political office. This was the opening portion of a “Women In Politics” Symposium held at the Meadows Museum at Southern Methodist University