Welcome to the SAGE edge site for Social Inequality in a Global Age, Seventh Edition!

Social Inequality in a Global Age provides a sociological framework for analyzing inequality within the United States in the context of global stratification and a rapidly changing world economy. With insightful analysis, and using examples drawn straight from today's headlines, Scott Sernau explores the multiple dimensions of inequality—class privilege, race and ethnicity, gender and sexuality, status and power—and how they intersect with each other. As it explores each dimension of inequality, the text analyzes the relationship between changing global power structures and growing inequalities within societies. Throughout, a focus on social action and community engagement encourages students to become involved, active learners in the classroom and engaged citizens in their communities.

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We gratefully acknowledge Scott Sernau for writing an excellent text. Special thanks are also due to Integra Software Services, Inc. for developing the resources on this site.