Web Resources

The following links will help you explore the themes of Chapter 5 on the Web.

American Society For Political and Legal Philosophy

The American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy brings together political scientists, philosophers, and legal scholars interested political philosophy. Along with organizing conferences, the association publishes a journal, Nomos, that deals with work from three disciplines.

International Association for Greek Philosophy (IAGP)

IAGP is a subsection of the Hellenic Resources Network. The Web site for this academic association is a helpful source for additional information related to Greek political thought. The site lists the curricula of yearly conferences and provides numerous abstracts for working papers. Pages of notes include those regarding Plato and Aristotle’s political philosophies.

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Stanford University hosts this online encyclopedia of philosophy, which is constantly being updated. Use this encyclopedia as an additional reference for information on such philosophers as Thomas Aquinas, Aristotle, John Locke, and John Stuart Mill.


Epistemelinks.com is another philosophy resource on the Internet. The main sections on this site are “Philosophers” and “Topics,” but helpful links to e-texts, journals, and papers are also provided. Philosophers are searchable by topic, name, and time period, with the fifty most often requested philosophers listed up front. The “Topics” section includes a comprehensive collection of links concerning political philosophy.