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Utilization-Focused Evaluation
Fifth Edition
Michael Quinn Patton
Charmagne E. Campbell-Patton
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The What, Why, How, Who, Where, and When of Utilization-Focused Evaluation
The Essence of Utilization-Focused Evaluation Expressed as Minimum Specifications
Utilization-Focused Evaluative Thinking
The High Stakes of Evaluation Use, Nonuse, and Misuse
Guide to Utilization-Focused Evaluation Principles
Contextualize: U-FE Operating Principle 1
Personalize: U-FE Operating Principle 2
Customize: U-FE Operating Principle 3
Align: U-FE Operating Principle 4
Prioritize: U-FE Operating Principle 5
Engage Users: U-FE Operating Principle 6
Strategize Process Use: U-FE Operating Principle 7
Adapt: U-FE Operating Principle 8
Mobilize Follow-Through: U-FE Operating Principle 9
Reflect and Learn: U-FE Operating Principle 10
Learning Breakthroughs in Applying Utilization-Focused Evaluation Principles
Utilization-Focused Evaluative Thinking
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