SAGE Journal Articles

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Abramson, P. R., Aldrich, J. H., Blais, A., Diamond, M., Diskin, A., Indridason, I., . . . Levine, R. (2009, July). Comparing strategic voting under FPTP and PR. Comparative Political Studies, 43(1), 61–90.

Bol, D. (2013, December). Electoral reform, values and party self-interest. Party Politics, 22(1), 93–104.

Lupu, N., & Riedl, R. B. (2013, November) Political parties and uncertainty in developing democracies. Comparative Political Studies, 46(11), 1339–1365.

Verma, R., & Tripathi, V. (2013, December). Making sense of the house: Explaining the decline of the Indian parliament amidst democratization. Studies in Indian Politics, 1(2), 153–177.