SAGE Journal Articles

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Unlocking the Benefits of Diversity: All-Inclusive Multiculturalism and Positive Organizational Change.
Flannery G. Stevens, Victoria C. Plaut, and Jeffrey Sanchez-Burks
Journal of Applied Behavioral Science (2008) 44, p. 116

This article explores the various ways that organizations are coping with recent demographic changes in the U.S. – specifically, the strategies of colorblindness and multiculturalism. As you read this article, consider the author's discussion of each of the organizational models discussed (e.g., colorblindness, multiculturalism, the AIM model, etc.).

Intersectionality, Critical Race Theory, and the Primacy of Racism: Race, Class, Gender, and Disability in Education.
David Gillborn
Qualitative Inquiry 2015, Vol. 21(3) 277– 287

This  article explores intersectionality as part of critical race theory (CRT) in education. Gillborn draws on research with Black middle-class parents in England to explore the intersecting roles of race, class, and gender in mthe construction and deployment of dis/ability in education. While you read make a note of the key points made about intersectionaliity.

Diversity in Everyday Discourse: The Cultural Ambiguities and Consequences of ''Happy Talk'' Joyce M. Bell and Douglas Hartmann
American Sociological Review 2007 72: 895 (21 pages)

The authors conduct interviews in four major metropolitan areas to explore popular conceptions of diversity, detailing how their research revealed understandings that were undeveloped and often contradictory.  On critical point they address is the conflict generated by the group oriented nature of most rhetorics of diversity, and the deeply embedded notions of individualism that ground American core values, allowing diversity to be an abstract concept that is not actualized in individual interactions, particularly with racialized others.  The authors deconstruct the whiteness rubric in order to understand their findings relative to the intersections of racism and colorblindness in the contemporary moment.

Promoting Respect for Difference on the College Campus : The Role of Interdependence 
Gordana Rabrenovic, Jack Levin and Nelly M. Oliver
American Behavioral Scientist 2007 51: 294 (9 pages)

The authors describe an experiment to determine the impact of cooperation and fear of terrorism on student support for Muslims on a college campus.  Designed to test the impact of interdependence on intergroup relations, particularly on the willingness of students to support or oppose public policy adversely affecting the lives of Muslim and Arab students, the study found that participants whose fear of terrorism was low expressed significantly greater support for Muslim students than did their more fearful counterparts.

Shifting Paradigms : Sociological Presentations of Race
Vicky M. MacLean and Joyce E. Williams
American Behavioral Scientist 2008 51: 599 (27 pages)

This article provides a brief history of theories of race and race relations in the United States, arguing that the “new” racial paradigms in sociology have been repackaged around the same background assumptions that grounded the “old.”