Video and Multimedia


Understand the key aspects of public relations and how they relate to your work as a media professional

Video : What is Public Relations?

This video discusses the definition of PR, and explores the different types and functions of PR, such as: employee relations (internal PR), campaigns and politics, government relations, and media relations. 

Create properly formatted public relations material, including a standard press release

Web : How To Write a Press Release, with Examples

This document provides tips to help you write a press release.

Video : Press Releases: The 6 Parts of a Release

This video discusses the six parts of a standard press release.


Explain the concept of transparency and why it has value in the field of public relations

Audio : Henry Louis Gates Apologizes Over Ben Affleck 'Find Your Roots' Episode

This audio provides an example of the concept of transparency.

Web : Transparency In Pr And Media

This document discusses the importance of transparency in public relations.