SAGE Journal Articles and Exercises

Carefully-selected SAGE Journal articles expand upon chapter material, and accompanying exercises offer practice in applying the concepts.

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Article 1: Morgan, D. L. (2016). Living within blurry boundaries: The value of distinguishing between qualitative and quantitative research. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 1-12.

Summary: Ultimately, we must learn to tolerate the blurry boundaries between qualitative and quantitative research, while appreciating the value this distinction has for mixed methods research.

Questions to Consider

  1. Morgan (2016) discussed the blurry boundaries surrounding QUAL and QUANT research. Is your topic one that should focus on a mixed method procedure?
  2. Morgan (2016) stated, “The bottom line is that MMR as a field depends on our ability to distinguish QUAL and QUANT methods by matching different strengths to different purposes in the design of mixed methods studies.” What are the purposes of your study? Do they align with your strengths of your design?

Article 2: Testa, M., Livingston, J. A., & VanZile-Tamsen, C. (2011). Advancing the study of violence against women using mixed methods: Integrating qualitative methods into quantitative research program. Violence Against Women, 17(2), 236-250.

Summary: This article describes a program of mixed methods research on women’s sexual victimization and highlights the synergy resulting from the simultaneous integration of these two different approaches. This hybrid, mixed methods approach has resulted in triangulation of quantitative and qualitative findings, novel insights, and testable hypotheses that have greatly enhanced our program of research.

Questions to Consider

  1. Why was a mixed method approach used for this topic?
  2. What are some of the challenges with a mixed methods approach? 

Article 3: Adu, J., Owusu, M. F., Martin-Yeboah, E., Pino Gavidia, L. A., & Gyamfi, S. (2022). A discussion of some controversies in mixed methods research for emerging researchers. Methodological Innovations, 15(3), 321–330.

Summary: Mixed methods research has become an important approach to research worldwide. The combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods has made it possible for a deeper and broader understanding of multifaceted phenomena, thereby offering readers more confidence in research findings and conclusions.

Questions to Consider

  1. The authors stated, “Mixed methods research has contributed immensely to academia through its application in the social sciences.” Describe the benefits associated with a mixed methods approach to research found in the conclusion of this article.
  2. Creswell describes how mixed method research has evolved over the past 35 years. Many early researches have had “mixed” reviews on this methodology. These authors stated, “In summary, mixed methods research has come to stay.” Describe the role that mixed method research has to benefit the research community.