SAGE Journal Articles and Exercises

Carefully-selected SAGE Journal articles expand upon chapter material, and accompanying exercises offer practice in applying the concepts.

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Article 1: Bell, B. A., DiStefano, C., & Morgan, G. B. (2010). A primer on disseminating applied quantitative research. Journal of Early Intervention, 32(5), 370-383.

Summary: A primary principle of scientific inquiry is that of testing ideas in the public arena. Thus, after performing studies, researchers “ought,” in the philosophical sense, to share their findings with the broader scientific community. In this regard, investigators need to focus on two essential elements for disseminating research findings—transparency and replication—because they are fundamental for any effective scientific process.

Questions to Consider

  1. Transparency can lead to replication. How transparent is your quantitative methodology?
  2. Creswell discussed the importance of organizing your approach for either an experimental or survey study. Using this article first seven recommendations and Creswell’s checklist, begin to add the “detail, detail, detail” necessary to add transparency to your proposal.

Article 2: Frias, S. M., & Angel, R. J. (2012). Beyond borders: Comparative quantitative research on partner violence in the United States and Mexico. Violence Against Women, 18(1), 5-29.

Summary: In this analysis we examine the phenomenon of domestic violence among poor Mexican-origin women in the United States and Mexico to illustrate the pervasiveness of the phenomenon as well as to illustrate the complexities involved in conducting cross-national research and interpreting survey data on the extent and nature of partner abuse collected in different cultural, social, and political contexts. One of the main challenges faced by researchers conducting comparative quantitative international studies of partner violence, or any other socially conditioned phenomenon, is the development of comparable theoretical definitions as well as measurement tools that permit meaningful comparisons.

Questions to Consider

  1. What type of quantitative experimental design was used in this article?
  2. Creswell discussed recognizing threats to validity. Did you find any in this article? Does your methodology have any internal or external threats? 

Article 3: Yue, C., & Xu, X. (2019). Review of Quantitative Methods Used in Chinese Educational Research, 1978–2018. ECNU Review of Education, 2(4), 515–543.

Summary: Overall, the development of quantitative methods in Chinese educational research shows sustained innovation in numerous aspects, including research methods, data sources, utilization of advancements in computing technology and statistical software, and research topics. However, despite the relatively advanced state of quantitative methods, education measurement and evaluation require further attention.

Questions to Consider

  1. The authors state, “According to the famous Chinese proverb, “good tools are a prerequisite for the successful execution of any job”;”. List three empirical tools described by the authors.
  2. The authors state, “Quantitative research focuses on “what is?” (facts) rather than “what should be?” (ideals).” Describe the benefits of Quantitative research compared to other methodologies.