Video and Multimedia

Tip: Click on each link to view the content.


Global Wealth Inequality: What You Never Knew You Never Knew

This brief video uses graphics to illustrate the global inequality in wealth.

Immanuel Wallerstein on the End of Capitalism

This is a brief excerpt from an interview with Immanuel Wallerstein, the founder of world systems theory, in which he discusses the transition away from a world capitalist system.

A Tale of Two Political Systems


Web Resources:

UC Atlas of Global Inequality

This website compiles data and maps on various aspects of global inequality, including income and gender.

United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

This is the website for the United Nations body dedicated to the concerns of indigenous people.

The Socialist Register

This is the home page of an annual journal that presents Marxist or socialist viewpoints on international affairs, with each issue focusing on a major topic in current events.