Welcome to the SAGE edge site for Violence and Maltreatment in Intimate Relationships, Second Edition!

Violence and Maltreatment in Intimate Relationships describes the magnitude, risk factors, and consequences of intimate violence. The text offers a multidisciplinary focus that examines traditional areas of interpersonal violence as well as forms of intimate abuse outside the family. Addressing intimate relationship violence across the developmental lifespan, the Second Edition offers a mix of historical and contemporary perspectives, as well as personal stories and high-profile cases to provide readers with ample opportunity for application of the explanations, research, and data. The authors discuss the professional and social response to violence and maltreatment in intimate relationships (VMIR) to further the understanding of how to treat victims and how to prevent future intimate violence.

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We gratefully acknowledge Cindy L. Miller-Perrin, Robin D. Perrin, and Claire M. Renzetti for writing an excellent text. Special thanks are also due to Stacy L. Bender of University of Massachusetts, Boston for developing the resources on this site.