Multiple Choice Questions

1. ______ is a condition in which the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs.

  1. Heart attack
  2. Cardiomyopathy
  3. Heart failure
  4. Aortic aneurisms

Answer: C

2. What are the two categories of angina?

  1. stable and unstable
  2. chronic and acute
  3. severe and mild
  4. arterial and venous

Answer: A

3. Each year, approximately how many men and women die from CHD?

  1. 1.8 million men and 1.4 million women
  2. 3.4 million men and 3.8 million women
  3. 1.4 million men and 1.8 million women
  4. 3.8 million men and 3.4 million women

Answer: D

4. How can CHD, along with most cardiovascular diseases, be prevented?

  1. by addressing as tobacco use
  2. by addressing abuse of alcohol
  3. by addressing obesity
  4. all of these

Answer: D

5. Another alleged risk factor is ______ or ‘distressed’ personality (Denollet et al., 1996).

  1. type A
  2. type B
  3. type C
  4. type D

Answer: D

6. A special committee of the American Heart Association published recommendations for the screening, referral and treatment of ______ in heart patients (Lichtman et al., 2008).

  1. anxiety
  2. depression
  3. obesity
  4. alcoholism

Answer: B

7. Spouse anxiety, depression and perceived control were correlated with ______ illness even when patient anxiety and depression were kept constant.

  1. patient psychosocial resilience to their
  2. levels of anxiety about
  3. patient psychosocial adjustment to their
  4. recovery from their

Answer: C

8. What test is used to diagnose and determine the best treatment to relieve symptoms in people with suspected CHD?

  1. exercise tolerance test
  2. electrocardiogram
  3. coronary angiogram
  4. all of these

Answer: D

9. Stewart et al. (2004) found a difference in the health information needs between men and women recovering from an acute coronary event.

  1. Women reported wanting more information than men concerning angina and hypertension, while men wanted more information about sexual function.
  2. Women reported wanting more information about potential risk factors while men wanted more information about preventative measures
  3. Men reported wanting more information than men concerning angina and hypertension, while women wanted more information about sexual function.
  4. Men reported wanting more information about potential risk factors, while women wanted more information about preventative measures

Answer: A

10. An angina self-management plan has been shown to ______.

  1. increase knowledge
  2. reduced body mass index
  3. lead to an improvement in general health perceptions
  4. all of these

Answer: D