Multimedia Resources

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.

Learning Objective 6.1 Define how polices can be used in criminal justice

Web Link: Do Mandatory Domestic Violence Arrests Hurt Victims?
Summary: For some three decades in the United States, it's been standard practice in many areas for police officers to make arrests in most cases of alleged intimate partner violence, whether or not victims ask for them.

Learning Objective 6.2 Explain why we need criminal justice policies

Audio Link: Another Florida Case Puts Crosshairs on 'Stand Your Ground'
Summary: Marissa Alexander, a Jacksonville woman behind bars for three years for firing a "warning shot" near her estranged husband, was recently released. NPR's Arun Rath talks with Larry Hannan of the Florida Times-Union.

Web Link: In Campaign For Tougher Gun Laws, Advocates Focus On States
Summary: Supporters of stricter gun laws are starting to win more at state capitols.

Learning Objective 6.4 Analyze how politics impact criminal justice policies

Video Link: Activists Want New Law to Curb Racial Profiling
Summary: A judge dismissed the final challenge to Arizona's controversial SB 1070 immigration law.  But, opponents aren't backing down.

Audio Link: Cases Show Disparity Of California's Three Strikes Law
Summary: NPR examines the impact of California's Three Strikes Law.

Learning Objective 6.5 Explain the importance of research in criminal justice policies

Video Link: Solutions in Corrections: Program Fidelity and Program Integrity
Summary: NIJ YouTube Video. In this interview, Edward Latessa, Ph.D., Director of the School of Criminal Justice at the University of Cincinnati, discusses why a combination of both program fidelity and program integrity is necessary to significantly reduce recidivism rates.