Deviance and Social Control: A Sociological Perspective
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Deviance and Social Control: A Sociological Perspective provides a sociological examination of deviant behavior in society, with a significant focus on the major theories of deviance and society’s reaction to deviance. Authors Michelle Inderbitzin, Kristin A. Bates, and Randy R. Gainey use sociological theories to illuminate issues related to deviant behavior, offering clear overviews and perspectives in the field as well as introductions to classic and current research. A unique text/reader format combines substantial original chapters that clearly explain and outline the sociological perspectives on deviance with carefully selected articles from leading academic sources.
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We gratefully acknowledge Michelle Inderbitzin, Kristin A. Bates, and Randy R. Gainey for writing an excellent text. Special thanks are also due to Heather Griffiths of Fayetteville State University and Integra Software Services for developing the resources on this site.