Video and Multimedia

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A National Geographic video of the Sudanese Lost Boys. Watch the Lost Boys experience for the first time what most American’s take for granted as gain valuable insight on American norms.

National Geographic emerging explorer and cyborg anthropologist Amber Case studies how the interaction between humans and computers is changing the way we think, act, and understand our world. 

Without intervention and support, the growing popoulation of homeless youth risk incarceration, disease and a lifetime of struggle. Joining the discussion in partnership with the American Leadership Forum are guests Paul Curtis from California Coalition for Youth and Niki Jones of Wind Youth Services.

Go Green! presents a stunning documentary by National Geographic about the earth and the effects that humans have on the environment. Each person should be aware that each action they takes has a profound effect on the environment in the long run, and steps should be taken so we can reduce this footprint.

Citizen Architect: Samuel Mockbee and the Spirit of the Rural Studio is a documentary film on the late architect Samuel who dedicated his life, as a teacher and as an architect, to creating architecture that not only elevated the living standards of the rural poor but also provided “shelter for the soul.” Driven to make life better for the residents of underserved communities in the deep South, Mockbee intended to break down the modern interpretations of architecture.