Video and Multimedia

Learning Objective 4.1: Discuss how the powers and constrains of the Constitution influence the president’s role in foreign policy.


  • Bush declares war on terror
    • Summary: President George W. Bush’s September 20, 2001 speech to Congress in which the first use of the phrase “War on Terror” is documented.
  • Cheney’s law
    • Summary: The Frontline documentary “Cheney’s Law” about Vice President Dick Cheney’s work to expand presidential war powers.

Web Resources

  • Presidential war powers
    • Summary: A selection of quotes from several “Founding Fathers” on the powers of the office of President.
  • Lincoln war powers
    • Summary: A page describing President Abraham Lincoln’s use and misuse of presidential powers.


Learning Objective 4.2: Identify the ways that presidential prerogative is evident in three areas of U.S. foreign policy.

Web Resources

  • 2011 Libyan conflict
    • Summary: An article describing some of the U.S. decisions in the 2011 Libyan civil war, including the decision to not use ground forces.
  • Unlawful enemy combatants
    • Summary: An executive order from President George W. Bush defining persons who may be subject to military tribunals.
  • Ending coercive interrogations
    • Summary: An executive order from President Barack Obama regarding treatment of military detainees and contingent intelligence gathering.
  • Obama and soft power
    • Summary: An article criticizing the Obama Administration for utilizing hard power while emphasizing the rhetoric of soft power


Learning Objective 4.3: Describe the White House centered structure of foreign policy decision-making and how it has changed over time.


  • The Indomitable Theodore Roosevelt
    • Summary: A short video discussing President Theodore Roosevelt’s role in fighting industrial monopolists and in the construction of the Panama Canal.

Web Resources

  • Detainees, Guantanamo
    • Summary: An interactive tool documenting the prison population at Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba
  • Obama and Libya
    • Summary: A U.N. Security Council resolution instating a no-fly zone, arms embargo, and asset freeze in Libya as well as authorizing use of force to protect civilians
  • The real Jimmy Carter?
    • Summary: An article describing President Jimmy Carter’s foreign policy as more successful than it is generally regarded
  • Obama and unmanned drones
    • Summary: An infographic depicting strikes by UAVs under Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama, in Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia
  • Contrasting Clinton and Obama
    • Summary: A short article containing some of former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers description of the operation and management styles of Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.


Learning Objective 4.4: Explain the role of the judicial branch on U.S. foreign policy.


  • Abu Ghraib prison
    • Summary: A 60-Minutes segment on the abuse of Iraqi prisoners of war at Abu Ghraib prison.