Study Questions

  1. Describe the cultural characteristics of Asian American groups. How did these characteristics shape relationships with the larger society? How do they contribute to the perception of Asian American “success?”
  2. Compare the contact situations for Chinese Americans, Japanese Americans, and Cuban Americans (Chapter 7). What common characteristics led each to create ethnic enclaves? How and why did these enclaves differ? How were they similar?
  3. In what sense was the second generation of Chinese Americans “delayed?” How did this affect the group’s relationship with the larger society?
  4. Compare the campaigns to oppose Chinese and Japanese immigration. Does Noel’s hypothesis adequately explain the differences? What similarities do you see with federal policies toward Mexican immigrants across the 20th century?
  5. Compare Japanese detention camps with Indian reservations, especially regarding paternalism and coerced acculturation. How did Japanese American detention affect the group economically? How were Japanese Americans compensated for their losses? Does this compensation set a precedent for similar payments to African Americans (reparations) for their losses under slavery? Why or why not?
  6. How do the Baraku illustrate “visibility” as a defining characteristic of minority group status? How is the minority status of this group maintained?
  7. What gender differences characterize Asian American groups? How do/did women’s and men’s experiences vary?
  8. Describe the situation of the Chinese Americans and Japanese Americans in terms of prejudice and discrimination, acculturation, and integration. Are these groups truly “success stories?” How? What factors or experiences might account for their “success?” Describe the important group variations. Compare the integration and equality of Asian American groups with other American racial minorities. How do you explain the differences? How do the Noel and Blauner hypotheses help explain their differing situations?