Multiple Choice Questions

Before completing the book’s Coder/Hacker chapter exercises, take this multiple-choice pre-test from the end of the chapter. 

Next, visit the Coder and Hacker Chapter exercises page for more.

1: Chi-squared can be used to understand the relationship between

  1. any two variables.
  2. two categorical variables.
  3. two continuous variables.
  4. one categorical and one continuous variable.

Ans: B

2: Chi-squared is computed by first squaring the differences between

  1. observed frequencies and expected frequencies.
  2. observed frequencies and the total sample size.
  3. observed frequencies and observed percentages.
  4. expected values and observed percentages.

Ans: A

3: The chi-squared distribution often has what type of skew?

  1. Left
  2. Right
  3. It depends
  4. It is not skewed

Ans: B

4: To learn which cells are contributing the most to the size of a chi-squared statistic, compute

  1. the standardized residuals.
  2. the p-value.
  3. the odds ratio.
  4. Cramér’s V.

Ans: A

5: Which of the following is not an effect size for chi-squared?

  1. Cramér’s V
  2. Odds ratio
  3. Phi
  4. p-value

Ans: D