Learning Objectives

6.1.1 Describe the beginnings of how information from the physical environment is transformed into a visual image.
6.1.2 Explain how light energy is transformed into the electrical signals in receptors that transmit visual information to the brain.
6.1.3 Explain the mechanisms involved in the precision of vision and the visual receptor’s sensitivity to light.
6.1.4 Describe and explain how receptive fields are involved in representing the physical world.
6.1.5 Describe and explain the theories and processes involved in color vision.
6.1.6 Describe and explain the processes involved in vision in the brain.
6.2.1 Explain the difference between the physical and perceptual dimensions of sound.
6.2.2 Describe the functions of the different parts of the ear.
6.2.3 Outline the path of auditory processing from the cochlea to and within the brain.