Video and Multimedia

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Video Links

Video 1: Mueller Gets a Grand Jury. What Does It Mean?

Description: A report on Robert Mueller calling on his own grand jury and why he is doing it. A more recent example of a grand jury story in action provides information on how this process works. There is also a brief overview of why grand juries are used.

Video 2: Why Kavanaugh’s Accusers Can’t Remember Everything

Description: Anita Hill and Christine Blasey Ford both could not remember and had inconsistencies in their testimonies and there was a lack of physical evidence. There is psychological explanations for why this does not mean their testimonies are not credible.

Video 3: How Racism Shapes Jury Selection

Description: The cases of OJ Simpson and Emmett Till are used as evidence of racism within jury selection. A mix of interviews, historical footage, and animation explains the situation of how potential jurors can be stricken without much reason. 

Article Link

Article 1: When Does the Right to an Attorney Kick In?

Description: The Sixth Amendment guarantees the right to an attorney, but this is not always the case. This article examines why some defendants do not get legal representation their first time in court.