SAGE Journal Articles

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Article 1: Sypher, B. D., Bostrom, R. N., & Seibert, J. H. (1989). Listening, communication abilities, and success at work. Journal of Business Communication, 26(4), 293-303.

Summary:  Although many have argued that listening is particularly important in organizations, few studies have examined listening and listening skills in this context. This study examined relationships between listening, communication related abilities, employee level in an insurance company, and upward mobility. The results indicated significant positive relationships between listening and other social cognitive and communicative abilities. While findings suggested that nonsupervisors tended to possess better listen ing abilities than supervisors, there was some evidence that better listeners were in higher levels of the organization and were more upwardly mobile.


Article 2: Brownell, J. (1994). Teaching listening: Some thoughts on behavioral approaches. Business Communication Quarterly, 57(4), 19-24.

Summary: This paper provides an overview of the issues involved in providing listening instruction to those who work or who are preparing to work in organizations. Questions are posed regarding the nature of listening and listening instruction. A behavioral approach is suggested, and the benefits and concerns regarding this perspective are examined.


Article 3: Van den, A. & Edwards, J. (2015). Listening to sad music in adverse situations: How music selection strategies relate to self-regulatory goals, listening effects, and mood enhancement, Psychology of Music, 43, 473-494.

Summary: Adults’ (N = 220) reported motivations for listening to sad music after experiencing adverse negative circumstances were examined by exploring how their music selection strategies related to (a) their self-regulatory goals, and (b) reported effects of listening. The effects of music selection strategies, self-regulatory goals, and reported effects on the achievement of mood enhancement were also explored using a retrospective survey design. The findings indicate that music choice is linked to the individual’s identified self-regulatory goals for music listening and to expected effects. Additionally, the results show that if individuals had intended to achieve mood enhancement through music listening, this was often achieved by first experiencing cognitive reappraisal or distraction. The selection of music with perceived high aesthetic value was the only music selection strategy that directly predicted mood enhancement. Where respondents indicated that they chose music with the intention of triggering memories, this was negatively related to the self-regulatory goal of mood enhancement.