Speech Topic Ideas
A list of possible speech topic ideas are posted online to help students formulate their own speeches.
Possible Speech Topics
- Abortion
- Academic Dishonesty
- Addiction
- Adoption Laws
- Age Discrimination
- Affirmative Action
- Animal Rights
- Art Education in Schools
- Bilingual Education
- Biological and Chemical Weapons
- Birth Control
- Body Piercings
- Buying Local Movement
- Campus Issues
- Capital Punishment
- Cell Phone Usage
- Child Labor Laws
- Civil Rights
- Climate Change
- Dependence on Foreign Oil
- Distracted Driving
- Domestic Violence
- Drones
- Drug Abuse
- Drug Trafficking
- Drunk Driving
- Eating Disorders
- Election Laws
- Embryonic Research
- Endangered Species
- Euthanasia
- Food Borne Illnesses
- Foster Care System
- Foreign Language Requirements
- Genocide
- Global Warming
- Gun Control
- Hate Crime Acts
- Health Care Policy
- Helping the Homeless
- Homeschooling Education
- Human Cloning
- Illegal Immigration
- Internet Chat Rooms
- Internet Censorship
- Juveniles Tried as Adults
- Legalization of Marijuana
- LGBT Community and Rights
- Middle East Peace Process
- National Drinking Age
- Nanotechnology
- Organized Crime
- Organic Farming
- Overpopulation
- Pesticides
- Piracy
- Polygamy
- Poverty in Inner Cities
- Prison Practices
- Racism
- Reality T.V.
- Religion in Schools
- Recycling
- Right to Strike/Work
- Sex Education
- Social Networking
- Space Exploration
- Spying/Intelligence Gathering
- Stem Cell Research
- Teen Pregnancy
- Television Censorship
- Terrorism
- Tobacco use in the U.S
- Urban Planning
- Video Game Effects
- War on Drugs Campaign
- Woman Ministers
- World Trade
- Youth Activism