Welcome to the SAGE companion site for Organizational ChangeFifth Edition!

In today’s world, organizational resilience, adaptability and agility gain new prominence.  Awaken, mobilize, accelerate, and institutionalize change with Organizational Change: An Action-Oriented Toolkit, Fifth Edition. Bridging theory with practice, this new edition uses models, examples, and exercises to help students engage others in the change process. Authors Gene Deszca, Cynthia Ingols, Evelina Atanassova, and Tupper F. Cawsey provide tools for implementing, measuring, and monitoring sustainable change initiatives and helping organizations achieve their objectives.

This site features an array of free resources you can access anytime, anywhere.


We gratefully acknowledge Gene Deszca, Cynthia Ingols, Evelina Atanassova, and Tupper F. Cawsey for writing an excellent text and creating the materials on this site.


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