SAGE Journal Articles

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Song, M. K., Metzger, M., & Ward, S. E. (2016). Process and impact of an advance care planning intervention evaluated by bereaved surrogate decision-makers of dialysis patients. Palliative Medicine. Advanced online publication. doi: 10.1177/0269216316652012

Klein, M. F., & Salk, R. J. (2013). Presidential succession planning: A qualitative study in private higher education. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies20, 335-345.    

Bacchus, L. J., Bullock, L., Sharps, P., Burnett, C., Schminkey, D., Buller, A. M., & Campbell, J. (2016). ‘Opening the door’: A qualitative interpretive study of women’s experiences of being asked about intimate partner violence and receiving an intervention during perinatal home visits in rural and urban settings in the USAJournal of Research in Nursing, 21, 345-364. doi: 10.1177/1744987116649634.