Welcome to the SAGE edge site for Statistics and Data Visualization Using R, First Edition!

Statistics and Data Visualization Using R: The Art and Practice of Data Analysis by David S. Brown teaches students statistics through charts, graphs, and displays of data that help students develop their intuition around statistics as well as data visualization skills. By focusing on the visual nature of statistics instead of mathematical proofs and derivations, students can more readily see the relationships between variables that are the foundation of quantitative analysis. Through incorporating R and RStudio® for calculations and data visualization, students learn valuable skills they can take with them into a variety of future careers in the public sector, the private sector, or academia. Starting at the most basic introduction to data and going through most crucial statistical methods for large datasets, regression, Statistics and Data Visualization Using R quickly gets students new to statistics up to speed running analyses and interpreting data from social science research. This introductory textbook uses social science data from across the U.S. and around the world, from demographic data to opinion research on major social issues to demonstrate the value of statistics to students. Each figure in the book is accompanied by a Code Chunk box that will reproduce the figure exactly as it's shown. A copy-and-paste approach to R keeps the focus on the statistics and visualization components, emphasizing that students can easily adjust the code for their own work rather than starting from scratch each time. Features on the Art and Practice of Visualization delve into the process of constructing charts and graphs as well as best practices for data displays. Exercises throughout the book and at the end of each chapter give students ample practice of these new concepts. Give your students a thorough and accessible introduction to R and statistics with Statistics and Data Visualization Using R.

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We gratefully acknowledge David S. Brown for writing an excellent text. Special thanks are also due to Integra Software Services for developing the resources on this site.