Welcome to the SAGE edge site for Nonverbal Communication, First Edition!

Nonverbal Communication: An Applied Approach teaches students the fundamentals of nonverbal communication by making connections between the principles they learn and the everyday communication they perform and interpret. Award-winning teacher and author Jonathan M. Bowman uses a narrative style and an applied approach that is informed by the important theories and research-driven knowledge of this interdisciplinary area of study. The approach encourages students to understand the relevancy of nonverbal codes by exploring applications sooner rather than in the latter half of their course. Bowman brings in a unique focus on culture and social justice, demonstrating how nonverbal communication shapes how we interact in a diverse society.

This site features an array of free resources you can access anytime, anywhere.


We gratefully acknowledge Jonathan M. Bowman for writing an excellent text. Special thanks are also due to Sheryll Reichwein of Cape Cod Community College and Integra Software Services for developing the resources on this site.