Welcome to the SAGE companion site for Infants, Children, and Adolescents, Ninth Edition!

A best-selling, chronologically organized child development text, Laura Berk’s Infants, Children, and Adolescents is relied on in classrooms worldwide for its clear, engaging writing style, exceptional multicultural and cross-cultural focus, first-rate coverage of developmental neuroscience, rich examples, and long-standing commitment to presenting the most up-to-date scholarship. Renowned professor, researcher, and author Laura Berk takes an integrated approach to presenting development in the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social domains, emphasizing the complex interchanges between heredity and environment, and offering research-based, practical applications that students can relate to their personal and professional lives. The Ninth Edition’s extensive revision strengthens the connections among developmental domains and brings forth the most recent scholarship, representing the changing field of child development.

This site features an array of free resources you can access anytime, anywhere.


We gratefully acknowledge Laura E. Berk for writing an excellent text and creating the materials on this site. 


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