SAGE Journal Articles

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Article 1: McBrier, D., & Wilson, G. (August 2004). Going down?: Race and downward occupational mobility for white-collar workers in the 1990s. Work and Occupations, 31(3), 283-322.

  1. Review the assumptions made for each inferential test (based on the information in this chapter).
  2. Review the null hypothesis for each inferential test (based on the information in this chapter).
  3. How are final statistics (t-obtained, chi-square obtained or F obtained) reported in the article?
  4. Based on the table or summary of final statistics, what conclusions do the authors make? Do they find support for their original hypothesis?

Article 2: Bronte-Tinkew, J., Moore, K. A., and Carrano, J.  (2006). The father-child relationship, parenting styles, and adolescent risk behaviors in intact families. Journal of Family Issues, 27(6), 850-881.  

  1. Review the assumptions made for each inferential test (based on the information in this chapter).
  2. Review the null hypothesis for each inferential test (based on the information in this chapter).
  3. How are final statistics (t-obtained, chi-square obtained or F obtained) reported in the article?
  4. Based on the table or summary of final statistics, what conclusions do the authors make? Do they find support for their original hypothesis?

Article 3: Jones, R.E., &. Rainey. S.A. (2006). Examining Linkages between Race, Environmental Concern, Health and Justice in a Highly Polluted Community of Color. Journal of Black Studies, 36(4): 473-496.

  1. The above article was featured in the last section of Chapter 9 ("Reading the Research Literature: Reporting the Results of Statistical Hypothesis Testing"). Read the complete article for more information on Jones and Rainey's research. What other analyses did the researchers conduct?