Video and Multimedia

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Video 1: Seven Classic Theories of Religion—Emile Durkheim, Totemism

Description: The lecture given by Dr. Dale Tuggy clarifies Emile Durkheim’s theories on religion and how religion has developed into a complex social phenomenon.

Video 2: The Five Major World Religions—John Bellaimey

Description: The lecture given by Dr. Dale Tuggy clarifies Emile Durkheim’s theories on religion and how religion has developed into a complex social phenomenon.

Video 3: Religion & the Faithful: Seeking the Apocalypse

Description: Based on the article published in The Atlantic, "What ISIS Really Wants," CNN’s Peter Bergen, a national security analyst, tries to explain ISIS’s agenda, whether they are a religious organization, and how to combat religious extremists.

Audio 1: The Origins of the American Republic: Christian or Heretical?

Description: America was not founded as a Christian nation claims historian Matthew Stewart. He discusses his book Nature's God: The Heretical Origins of the American Republic with NPR. In it, he explains the role of God in a secular society and how the Church and religion used to be the only way for individuals to fully participate in society.

Audio 2: A Wedding and a Challenge: Lebanese Couples Fight for Civil Marriage

Description: The audio discusses the problem a couple of mixed faith faced when they decided to get married in a country that is ruled by 18 different religious organizations, where each one has its own rules and regulations which controls every aspect of an individual’s life. The couple discusses their struggle to have a civil, rather than religious, marriage ceremony in Lebanon, even though the country is ruled by a secular regime.