SAGE Journal Articles

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Journal Article 1: Bloomberg, S. A., & Wilkis, L. T. (1977, October). Ethics of research involving human subjects in criminal justice. Crime and Delinquency, 23(4), 435-444.

Abstract: Research in criminal justice involving human subjects has increased greatly in the past decade, yet we have no code of ethics to guide such research. This paper argues that the primary purpose of a code should be protection of these research subjects, who are especially susceptible to mistreatment because of their prisoner status.

Journal Article 2: Travis, L. F. (1983). The case study in criminal justice research: Application to policy analysis. Criminal Justice Review, 8(2), 46-51.

Abstract: The unfortunate decrease in popularity of the “case study” approach to criminal justice research is described. The usefulness of this approach, especially in the realm of criminal justice policy analysis, is illustrated with reference to recent sentencing reforms in several jurisdictions. The article concludes with an argument for the case study approach as a means of providing decision makers with information relevant to policy matters.