Multimedia Resources

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.

1. Corporate Culture and Ethics
Description: An article with cases and videos relating the relationship between culture and ethics in business.
LO: 6.1: Understand the impact of organizational design on the ethical behavior of employees.

2. Implementing an Ethics Program in the Workplace
Description: Blog on implementing an ethics program with links to a guide for creation of a program.
LO: 6.2: Identify the elements of effective ethics programs.

3. Compliance-Based vs Values-Based Ethics Programs
Description: Video demonstrating the differences between the two styles of programs.
LO: 6.3: Distinguish compliance-based from values-based ethics programs.

4. Leadership Ethics and Workplace Diversity
Description: Interview with Jessie Woolley-Wilson of DreamBox discussing the role of leadership in creating an ethical and diverse workplace. (11 mins)
LO: 6.4: Explain workplace diversity and discrimination.