Video and Multimedia

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.

Video Link

Video 1: Civil Rights Groups Push Iowa Law Banning Racial Profiling

Description: Civil rights organizations in Iowa are appealing to the Iowa Legislature and Gov. Kim Reynolds to ban racial profiling after two young Black men filed a lawsuit against Des Moines police for a traffic stop they say was unconstitutional.

Video 2: Stand Your Ground Shooting

Description: Documents reveal what was said before fatal “stand your ground” shooting.

Audio Link

Audio 1: “Crime and Punishment in Black America”

Description: Yale Law professor James Forman Jr., son of civil rights activists, says that African-American leaders seeking to combat drugs and crime often supported policies that disproportionately targeted the Black community.

Audio 2: How a Theory of Crime and Policing was Born, and Went Terribly Wrong

Description: A thorough discussion of broken windows theory and how it morphed into stop-and-frisk policies.

Web Resources

Web Link 1Do Mandatory Domestic Violence Arrests Hurt Victims?

Web Link 2Criminal Justice Policy Foundation