Video and Multimedia

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Video Links

Video 1: What It Meant to Be a Convict

Description: A historian describes what is known as the convict-lease system, and the injustices of it. This system, which has been called “slavery by another name,” seems surreal by modern day standards and is a stark reminder of history repeating itself.

Video 2: Racism in Criminal Justice Reaches Far beyond Ferguson

Description: Statistics show what most Americans already know: African Americans are arrested at a higher rate than both White people and other minorities. The disproportionate arrests and rate of being stopped in traffic are rampant.

Video 3: Men Must Make Sure Other Men Believe Women

Description: An explanation of why most women will not lie about sexual assault claims, and why we should believe women inherently.

Audio Link

Audio 1: 'Automating Inequality': Algorithms in Public Services Often Fail the Most Vulnerable

Description: Automation in the legal system can cause people to be punished unequally. This happens even though this system was created to combat racism and discrimination against poor people. NPR details how this is still occurring.