Welcome to the SAGE companion site for Introduction to Social Work, 3e!

The award-winning Introduction to Social Work: An Advocacy-Based Profession takes students on an exploration of what social work is, what it was historically, and how to be an effective advocate as a social worker moving forward. Built on a unique advocacy practice and policy model comprised of four components—economic and social justice, a supportive environment, human needs and rights, and political access—the book provides a crucial lens for viewing today’s social issues. Best-selling authors Lisa E. Cox, Carolyn J. Tice, and Dennis D. Long emphasize advocacy throughout all sectors of social work, with a focus on environmental, international, and military social work. The Third Edition closely aligns with the latest Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS) from the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE); references the 2018 Code of Ethics from the National Association of Social Workers (NASW); and includes profound discussions of societal impacts on areas of public health, policy, juvenile justice, race, inequality, social movements, and self-care.


We gratefully acknowledge Lisa E. Cox, Carolyn J. Tice, and Dennis D. Long for writing an excellent text and creating the materials on this site.


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