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Article 1.

Ausikaitis, A. E., Wynne, M. E., Persaud, S., Pitt, R., Hosek, A., Reker, K., et al. (2014). Staying in school: The efficacy of the McKinney–Vento act for homeless youth. Youth & Society, doi:10.1177/0044118X14564138

Using data from three focus groups with homeless youth, this article presents the perspectives of youth on the experience and meaning of homelessness.  The findings suggest ways to improve the services to homeless youth and enhance their ability to advocate for themselves. 


  1. What were the goals of the McKinney-Vento Act? 
  2. According to research participants, what were the benefits and drawbacks of disclosure of their homeless status? 
  3. How does the lack of awareness of rights (among homeless youth) affect their ability to engage in self-advocacy?
  4. What could schools do to better support students experiencing homelessness? 

Article 2.

Okech, D., Morreau, W., & Benson, K. (2012). Human trafficking: Improving victim identification and service provision. International Social Work, 55(4), 488-503. doi:10.1177/0020872811425805

This article provides an assessment of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) and suggests ways that social workers be involved in improving victim identification and service provision for survivors. 


  1. Consider the three main goals of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA):  prevention, protection, and prosecution.  How does TVPA attempt to achieve these goals? 
  2. What do the authors suggest about the apparently diminishing numbers of trafficked individuals in the U.S. since 2000? 
  3. Describe the issues affecting services for identified victims of human trafficking.  What policy and programmatic barriers exist? 
  4. What can social workers do to improve victim identification and service provision with respect to human trafficking?  List and describe three recommendations.