Video and Multimedia

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Learning Objectives: 9.1 Describe the role that law plays in democratic society.

Video: Supreme Court tosses conviction in facebook threat case
Description: discussion of facebook threats case

Video: 'This Week': 'Stop-and-Frisk' Backlash
Description: discussion of stop frisk in NYC


Learning Objectives: 9.3 Evaluate Hamilton’s claim that the judiciary was the “least dangerous branch of government” in light of the power it wields.

Video: Supreme Court divided in historic gay marriage case
Description: kennedy and supreme court case


Learning Objectives: 9.4 Outline the institutional rules and political influences that shape the Supreme Court and the decisions it makes.

Video: Bush vs. Gore Ten Years Later
Description: scalia discusses bush v gore


Learning Objectives: 9.5 Describe the relationship between citizens and the courts in America.

Video: Lawsuit Abuse: A Threat to America's Small Businesses
Description: discussion of lawsuit abuse