SAGE Journal Articles

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Religion and Culture
This article briefly reviews work on cultural differences among Western religious groups, using the framework of individualism and collectivism.

Questions to Consider:

  1.  What is meant by the terms collectivism and individualism in regards to religion?
  2.  What are some of the difficulties in regards to defining religion?
  3.   How does culture shape religious beliefs?

Religion and Academic Achievement
This study assessed the effects of student religious commitment on the academic achievement of urban and other children. The results indicate that religiously committed urban children performed better on most academic measures than their less religious counterparts, even when controlling for SES, race, and gender.

Questions to Consider:

  1.  According to the article, what is the relationship between religion and academic achievement?
  2.  What are the effects of religious commitment in regards to academic achievement?

Religion and Reducing Prejudice
Drawing on findings from the study of prejudice and prejudice reduction, this article identifies a number of mechanisms through which religious communities may influence the intergroup attitudes of their members.

Questions to Consider:

  1. According to the article there is a correlation between activating religious concepts with increasing levels of prejudicial attitudes.  What reasons could account for this?
  2. How can the affiliation with certain religious shape the way individuals view social characteristics of individuals in general?