Video and Multimedia

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Video Resources

Video 1. Cronbach’s Alpha Part I
Internal Reliability Analysis
Description: This two-part YouTube video conducts and interprets an internal consistency reliability analysis through Cronbach’s alpha, the corrected item-total correlations, and the inter-item correlation matrix. Guidelines for identifying adequate levels of reliability are also provided.

Video 2. Cronbach’s Alpha Part II
Internal Reliability Analysis
Description: This two-part YouTube video conducts and interprets an internal consistency reliability analysis through Cronbach’s alpha, the corrected item-total correlations, and the inter-item correlation matrix. Guidelines for identifying adequate levels of reliability are also provided.

Video 3. Mean, Median, Mode, Range, and Interquartile Range
Description: This YouTube video describes how to calculate the mean, median, mode, range, and interquartile range from a frequency table.

Video 4. Identifying Misleading Graphs
Description: YouTube video presenting misleading graphs in statistics, providing straightforward examples and corrected versions of the graphs.

Video 5. Find the Z Scores
Description: YouTube video explaining how to compute the z score.