Video and Multimedia

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Video Resources

Video 1. Developing Mixed Methods Research
Description: YouTube video exploring a mixed methods research design with quantitative and qualitative designs using participants testing a video game.

Video 2. Mixed Methods Research: The Basics
Description: YouTube video explaining the basic elements of mixed-methods designs: explanatory, exploratory, and convergent.

Video 3. Mixed Methods Research: Detailed
Description: YouTube video explaining mixed-methods designs with historical development, examples, and frameworks around mixed methods.

Audio Resource

Audio 1. Realist Review: Mixing Method
Description: Podcast that introduces the realist review methodology as a strategy for combining qualitative and quantitative data to answer the question “what works, for whom, and in what circumstances.”

Web Resource

Web 1. Mixed Methods in Education Research
Description: Blog post from the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) by Alfeld, Larson, and NCER Program Officers (2015) discussing the use of mixed methods in educational programs and policies.