Study Guide – Self-Reflection Questions

1. What changes do you hope will occur naturally in your professional self as you qualify and move through the early years of qualified practice?

2. How might your experiences of transition in other areas of your life help you understand and navigate this transition?

3. What might you miss/do you miss about the training period and trainee identity?

4. What elements of trainee identity do you wish to let go of as you move into qualified practice?

5. At what stage of adult life are you in your personal life? (E.g. in terms of financial independence, relationships, first/second/third career direction, psycho-spiritual growth, physical health, etc.). How does this match (or mismatch) with being a newly qualified counselling psychologist?
(See chapter section Parallel developmental processes: Person, professional and the profession.)

6. How much responsibility and autonomy do you have in your work at present? Is this appropriate (e.g. too much or too little)? Is there any danger of trying too hard or taking on an excess of responsibility (e.g. to prove oneself to others or self, to prove the value of counselling psychology, etc.)?
(See chapter section Increased autonomy and responsibility.)

7. How do you see your competence developing? What are the areas in which you feel less confident? What do you need in order to support the continued growth of your competence in this early career period?
(See chapter sections Becoming a more competent scientist-practitioner' and 'Evolving expertise.)

8. In what ways is supervision different, or should be different for you as a qualified practitioner? How might you help this to happen in supervision? How might your supervisor help with this process of transition in supervisee identity and behaviour?
(See chapter section Supervision and developmental stage.)

9. How would you describe your current therapeutic style/approach? What is changing/has changed in your therapeutic work since qualifying? To what extent are these changes deliberate versus spontaneous/natural?
(See chapter section Discovering and developing a personal therapeutic style.)

10. Mentoring:

  • So far, who has provided a good example, inspiration, encouragement, guidance, solace?
  • What elements of mentoring might be valuable for you over the next year or two?
  • Who might you look to for these elements?

(See chapter section Finding appropriate mentoring & professional support.)

11. After reading the chapter, are there any aspects of this transition that have been somewhat ‘normalised’ for you?