Further Resources

Career Theory and Work Transitions


Free online psychometric to assess career type using John Holland’s typology. Also provides link to a US government occupational information website which categorises specific jobs based on Holland’s typology.


Provides a useful summary of some key career theories.

Fouad, N.A. and Bynner, J. (2008) ‘Work transitions’, American Psychologist, 63(4): 241–51.

Early Career Period for Counselling Psychologists

The Counseling Psychologist (1992) volume 20, issue 1

Special issue on the early career period for counselling psychologists with articles on the transition into various work settings.

Mentoring (General)

Article about reasons to be a mentor.

Mentoring of psychologists

American Psychological Association mentoring programme resources.

Chao, G.T. (2009) ‘Formal mentoring: Lessons learned from past practice’, Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 40(3): 314–20.

Green, G. and Hawley, G.C. (2009) ‘Early career psychologists: Understanding, engaging, and mentoring tomorrow’s leaders’, Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 40(2): 206–12.