Welcome to the SAGE companion site for Principles of Comparative Politics, Fourth Edition!

Principles of Comparative Politics offers a view into the rich world of comparative inquiry, research, and scholarship. This groundbreaking text gives students meaningful insight into how cross-national comparison is actually conducted and why it matters. William R. Clark, Matt Golder, and Sona N. Golder walk us through the enduring questions that scholars grapple with, the issues about which consensus has started to emerge, and the tools comparativists use to analyze the complex and interesting problems at the heart of the field.
The thoroughly revised Fourth Edition includes streamlined discussion and analysis of key topics and theories in the field.

This site features an array of free resources you can access anytime, anywhere.


We gratefully acknowledge William Clark, Matt Golder and Sona Golder for writing an excellent text and creating the materials on this site.


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