Samantha thinks statistics is a boring waste of time. She just wants to pass her exam and forget that she ever had to know anything about normal distributions. She gives you a summary of the key points that you need to know. Here is all the essential information you need to finish your assignments and pass your exams.
Whenever you see Sam's face in the corner, just click on it to return to this page.
Recap on all the essential points Sam raised in the book.
Use these quizzes to practice and revise; cover the basics or push yourself as you get ready for assigments and exams.
Flashcards are a great way to train your brain to remember core stats terminology.
Struggling with stats? It might be your maths. Use the diagnostics tool to find out.
Which Stats Test? Narrow down your data analysis options with this simple tool from SAGE Research Methods.
Learn how to reference correctly and find advice on how to get a better grade.